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about us
products for measuring the trunk
ArborSonic 3D Acoustic Tomograph
ArborElectro Impedance Tomograph
Fakopp Bluetooth Caliper
Microsecond Timer
DynaTree Root and Trunk Testing System
Pulling Test
products for measuring the root system
DynaRoot Root Testing System
Pulling Test
Root Detector
DynaTree Root and Trunk Testing System
products for wood testing
Portable Lumber Grader
Screw Withdrawal Force Meter
Resonance Lumber Grader
other products
UltraSonic Anemometer
Portable Pneumatic Pole
Ball Anemometer
Sensors and Cables
Repair and Maintenance
Case Studies
ArborSonic 3D 5 for Windows (version: 5.3.165, size: 109 MB)
ArborSonic 3D for Android
Microsecond Timer Companion (version: 1.4, size: 9.56 MB)
Microsecond Timer App (Android)
DynaRoot-DynaTree for Windows (version: 1.2.97, size: 103 MB)
Root Detector 2.10 (size: 86.5 MB)
Software for ArborElectro (version: 1.0.18, size: 7.6 MB)
Software for Pulling Test (version: 1.18, 2025-01-31, size: 97.4 MB)
Resonance Lumber Grader application (version: 24.08.16, size: 5 MB)
Program for automatized measuring with ArborElectro (version: 19.10.30, size: 12 MB)
Rustdesk Remote Desktop Support
user's manuals
ArborSonic 3D Acoustic Tomograph (size: 6.3 MB)
Microsecond Timer (size: 2.2 MB)
ArborElectro (size: 7.3 MB)
ArborElectro Scheduler for automatized measurements (size: 160 KB)
DynaRoot Dynamic Root Evaluation System (size: 4.1 MB)
DynaTree (size: 3.5 MB)
Fakopp Bluetooth Caliper (size: 1.3 MB)
Pulling Test (size: 3.3 MB)
TreeSonic Timer (size: 448 KB)
UltraSonic Timer (size: 1.2 MB)
Resonance Log Grader (size: 183 KB)
Portable Lumber Grader (size: 740 KB)
Screw Withdrawal Force Meter (size: 609 KB)
Manual for the pneumatic pole (size: 6 MB)
Crown area measurement (size: 964 KB)
Root Detector Manual (size: 1 MB)
sample data
Sample .f3d file for ArborSonic 3D - Platanus (size: 2.3 MB)
Sample .f3d file for ArborSonic 3D - Poplar (size: 71 KB)
Sample .fdr file for DynaRoot - Cherry (size: 4.2 MB)
Sample .fdr file for DynaRoot - Spruce (size: 6.8 MB)
Sample .fae file for ArborElectro - Spruce (size: 28 KB)
Sample .fae file for ArborElectro - Attacked Spruce (size: 28 KB)
Sample .fae file for ArborElectro - Beech (size: 37 KB)
Sample .fdr file for DynaRoot-DynaTree - Spruce (size: 5.2 MB)
Sample .fdr file for DynaRoot-DynaTree - Sequoiadendron giganteum (size: 680 KB)
knowledge base
Dynamic Root Evaluation (size: 874 KB)
Instrument Supported Tree Evaluation (size: 37 MB)
A brief case study on cutting roots during a pulling test series (size: 1 MB)
Short case study on measuring with 5 inclinometers and 3 anemometer heights (size: 1.2 MB)